Official Logo and Motto of the 8th Provincial Chapter
The motto and logo for the 8th Provincial Chapter of the OAR Province of St. Ezekiel Moreno were approved during the Provincial Council meeting on October 14, 2021.
“Walking together” as motto follows that of the Order’s 56th General Chapter. It is essentially aligned with Pope Francis’ emphasis on synodality, a specific modus vivendi et operandi of the Church as communion, whose members journey together and take an active part in her evangelizing mission.
In the logomark, the Cross in rough strokes takes the central icon symbolizing the transversal message of the Gospel and of the synodal path. It also depicts the only source of power through which Christ’s disciples would be able “to cross the sea of this world” (St. Augustine, Io. Ev. tr. 2,2). Although the ugliness of the cross reveals the monstrosity of evil in its various forms that currently beset the world, we see in that same cross the immensity of God’s mercy.
The heart reminds us of our restless heart that finds its rest only in God. It symbolizes the three-fold expression of perfect charity (contemplative, communitarian, apostolic) that marks our Augustinian Recollect charismatic identity.
The tri-colored persons walking together signify the core triadic actors of reflection process (community, church-people, and responsible leaders). They also represent oneness amidst diversity, forging a style of communion and participation directed to mission.